Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Jurnal Psikologi (JPUG) menerima naskah berdasarkan riset empiris, baik kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Riset kuantitatif yang diterima diutamakan yang berjenis multivariat. Sementara itu, Jurnal Psikologi juga menerima naskah meta analisis atau systematic review yang memiliki keunggulan dalam hal kebaruan atau keunikan variabel.

Mulai edisi Desember 2024, Jurnal Psikologi berfokus dan menerima naskah dengan tema riset cyberpsychology, atau tema lainnya yang melibatkan variabel cyberpsychology, kemudian tema riset psikologi sosial, positif, dan psikometri. Disiplin ilmu yang berbeda dengan ruang lingkup tema yang sama dengan ketentuan, jika dirasakan memenuhi kriteria akan dipertimbangkan untuk ditindaklanjuti dalam proses submisi. Namun demikian, seleksi naskah dengan fokus terbaru ini sudah dilakukan pasca edisi Juni 2023 terbit.


Jurnal Psikologi (JPUG) accepts manuscripts based on empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative. Priority is given to quantitative research of the multivariate type. Meanwhile, the Jurnal Psikologi also accepts meta-analysis or systematic review manuscripts that have advantages in terms of novelty or unique variables.

Starting in the December 2024 edition, Jurnal Psikologi focuses on and accepts manuscripts with the theme of cyberpsychology research, or other themes involving cyberpsychology variables, then social psychology research themes, and psychometrics. Different scientific disciplines with the same theme scope as the provisions, if deemed to meet the criteria will be considered for follow-up in the submission process. However, the selection of manuscripts with this latest focus was carried out after the June 2023 edition was published.


Peer Review Process

Each text will go through a peer review process with the following steps:

  • The editor evaluates the feasibility of the articles received.
  • The editor continues the appropriate articles to continue the blind review process. The article that are not feasible will be returned to the author, while the aticle that is deemed appropriate with a note to be revised.
  • Reviewers review the article and make recommendations to be followed up by the editor.
  • The editor submits the results of the assessment and recommendations to the author and the deadline for revisions.
  • The editor will send a ready-to-publish copy to the author before being published for approval

Open Access Policy

Jurnal Psikologi memberikan kesempatan secara terbuka bagi semua pihak untuk bisa mengakses, membaca, dan mengunduh naskah-naskah dalam setiap edisi. Jurnal Psikologi mengedepankan prinsip diseminasi terbuka bagi ilmu pengetahuan agar dapat berguna bagi semua pihak dan mendorong terjadinya pertukaran sains dalam lingkup nasional dan global.

Jurnal Psikologi memiliki kebijakan:

  • Tidak membebankan biaya publikasi kepada penulis
  • Memberikan kebebasan kepada pembaca untuk secara luas membaca, mengunduh, dan menyebarluaskan, serta melakukan sitasi artikel yang terbit dalam Jurnal Psikologi

Jurnal Psikologi provides an open opportunity for all parties to be able to access, read, and download the articles in each edition. Jurnal Psikologi puts forward the principle of open dissemination of knowledge so it can be useful for all parties and encourage the exchange of science in the national and global scope.

Journal of Psychology has policies:

  • Does not charge publication fees to authors
  • Provide freedom to readers to widely read, download, and disseminate, as well as cite articles published in the Jurnal Psikologi

Publication Steps

Berikut adalah tahapan publikasi di Jurnal Psikologi:

  1. Naskah yang sudah disubmit akan diperiksa oleh tim jurnal sebagai bagian dari initial screening. Initial screening ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa penulis memang mengunggah file submisi di OJS. Sementara itu, initial screening kemudian juga dilakukan dengan memeriksa (a) kesesuaian fokus, (b) apakah naskah sudah disubmit sesuai dengan template jurnal, dan (c) apakah naskah sudah disubmit sesuai dengan bentuk file yang diminta.
  2. Jika suatu naskah tidak lolos initial screening maka pihak jurnal akan menginformasikan kepada penulis melalui email yang dikirim melalui OJS.
  3. Jika suatu naskah lolos initial screening maka penulis akan dikirimkan (a) Informasi Lolos Seleksi Awal, dan (b) formulir Pakta Integritas yang harus diisi dan dikembalikan oleh penulis melalui email.
  4. Naskah kemudian akan dicek plagiarism dengan Turnitin. Tingkat kesamaan tidak boleh melebihi 20%.
  5. Naskah akan dikirim ke reviewer untuk direview. Reviewer biasanya membutuhkan waktu antara 1 bulan hingga 2 bulan untuk mereview dan mengembalikan naskah ke jurnal. Di dalam kurun waktu 1-2 bulan ini pihak jurnal akan mengingatkan reviewer akan tugas mereview yang harus dilakukan. Jika tidak ada tanggapan, maka pihak jurnal akan mencari reviewer lain yang dapat membaca dan mereview naskah tersebut.
  6. Setelah reviewer mengembalikan dan menunggah naskah yang sudah direview ke OJS maka penulis dapat mengambil naskah tersebut.
  7. Penulis merevisi naskah berdasarkan masukan-masukan dari reviewer selama maksimal 4 minggu.
  8. Setelah revisi selesai penulis menggunggah ulang di OJS (tanpa membuka akun baru).
  9. Naskah akan dicek oleh tim jurnal. Pada posisi ini terdapat kemungkinan naskah dikembalikan selama beberapa kali jika masih ada hal-hal terkait konten atau administrasi yang harus diperbaiki oleh penulis.
  10. Jika naskah lolos pengecekan pada poin 9 di atas, maka penulis akan dikirimkan (a) Letter of Acceptance (LoA), (b) Competing Interest Statement, (c) Perjanjian Transfer Hak Cipta, dan (d) naskah yang sudah dirapikan untuk dicek kembali oleh penulis (proof reading). Form bagian b dan c harus diisi dan dikembalikan ke jurnal melalui email.
  11. Penulis wajib membaca ulang naskah proof reading untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam beberapa hal seperti judul, nama dan alamat korespondensi, dan sebagainya. Jika ada hal-hal (non konten) yang harus diperbaiki maka penulis dapat menginformasikan perbaikannya dan mengirimkan ulang naskah melalui email bersamaan dengan Competing Interest Statement dan Perjanjian Hak Cipta.
  12. Penulis menunggu waktu terbit Jurnal Psikologi di edisi seperti yang sudah diinformasikan sebelumnya dalam LoA.

The following are publication stages in Jurnal Psikologi:

  1. Manuscripts that have been submitted will be checked by the journal team as part of the initial screening. This initial screening is carried out to ensure that the author has indeed uploaded the submission file to OJS. Meanwhile, initial screening is also carried out by checking (a) suitability of focus, (b) whether the manuscript has been submitted according to the journal template, and (c) whether the manuscript has been submitted in accordance with the requested file form.
  2. If a manuscript does not pass the initial screening, the journal will inform the author via email sent via OJS.
  3. If a manuscript passes the initial screening, the author will be sent (a) Initial Selection Pass Information, and (b) an Integrity Pact form which must be filled in and returned by the author via email.
  4. The manuscript will then be checked for plagiarism with Turnitin. The degree of similarity should not exceed 20%.
  5. The manuscript will be sent to the reviewer for review. Reviewers usually take between 1 month and 2 months to review and return the manuscript to the journal. Within this 1-2 month period, the journal will remind reviewers of the review tasks that must be carried out. If there is no response, the journal will look for another reviewer who can read and review the manuscript.
  6. After the reviewer returns and uploads the reviewed manuscript to OJS, the author can retrieve the manuscript.
  7. The author revises the manuscript based on input from reviewers for a maximum of 4 weeks.
  8. After the revision is complete, the author re-uploads it to OJS (without opening a new account).
  9. The manuscript will be checked by the journal team. In this phase, there is the possibility that the manuscript will be returned several times if there are still issues related to content or administration that need to be corrected by the author.
  10. If the manuscript passes the checks in point 9 above, the author will be sent (a) a Letter of Acceptance (LoA), (b) Competing Interest Statement, (c) Copyright Transfer Agreement, and (d) a manuscript that has been prepared to be checked again by the author. Form parts b and c must be filled in and returned to the journal via email.
  11. The author is obliged to re-read the proof reading manuscript to avoid errors in several things such as title, name and address of correspondence, and so on. If there are things (non-content) that need to be corrected, the author can inform about the improvements and resend the manuscript via email along with the Competing Interest Statement and Copyright Agreement.
  12. The author is waiting for the publication of the Jurnal Psikologi in the edition as previously informed in the LoA.

Publication Ethics

Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi only accepts original research articles and theoretical studies that have not been published elsewhere and are not in the process of being reviewed in other journals. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi is committed to upholding ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. This ethical standard was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Turnitin software may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with existing literature.

Ethics for Editors

  • Editors are responsible for the material quality of articles received
  • Editors guide reviewers and writers in the articles received
  • Editors are responsible for the confidentiality of peer reviewers
  • Editors adhere to the principle of justice or non-discrimination against all articles received.
  • Editors must prepare guidelines for all members of the editorial board.
  • Editors avoid conflicts of interest of all stakeholders involved during the publishing process.

Ethics for Authors

  • Authors are responsible for plagiarism and copyright infringement or other intellectual property rights on the submitted text.
  • Authors must ensure that articles submitted are not being considered or accepted for publication in another journal.
  • The names of the authors show who did the research and / or wrote the article.
  • All authors must approve the submission of the article to the Jurnal Psikologi and give a mandate to the main author to sign the IPR form.
  • If a fatal error occurs in an article published, the author must notify the editor or publisher to follow up.

Ethics for Reviewers

  • Reviewers must act objectively and independently.
  • Reviewers provide constructive input so that articles become worthy of publication.
  • Reviewers immediately notify the editor if the article sent is indicative of plagiarism.
  • During the publishing process, reviewers avoid conflicts of interest and confidentiality of an article.
  • During the publishing process, reviewers must refer to Jurnal Psikologi guidelines.


Authors should submit only original work that is not plagiarized, and has not been published or being considered elsewhere.  Turnitin software may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with existing literature. Inclusion of fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unacceptable. Work and/or words from other publications must be appropriately cited or quoted.


Authors should state their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. The methods used in the work should be clearly and unambiguously described so that the findings can be repeated and confirmed by other researchers.


A statement on conflict of interest must be included in the manuscript if authors receive any support that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. 


Name of authors listed in a paper should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the report. Only those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the work must be acknowledged or listed as contributors. It is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper.  All co-authors must approve the final version of the paper and agree to the version of the paper before submission.


Authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research output in more than one journal or primary publication. A similar manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently as this constitutes as unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.


Article Processing Charges

Any articles submitted to Journal of Psychology will not be charged anything.


Articles received by Journal of Psychology can be written in English or Indonesian