Hamdi Muluk
University of Indonesia
University of Indonesia
The aim of this study is to know the probability for female candidates for having support from female
voters than male candidates, the effect of gender role idelogy and level of gender group identity to the
support for female candidates, and between the four independen varibles, which one that would be the
best predictor for female candidates for 2004 general election. The result shows that there is no
differences of probability between male and female candidates to be choosen by female voters and there
is no differences also in gender role idelogy and gender group identification for voting the male and
female candidates. Then, this research also shows that female voters behavior can’t be predicted by those
variables. The suggestion for the next research is to fix the way sampel is being collected, get more
focused on male participants, enhance other variables such as gender stereotype and involving the
cognitive process in voting behavior.
Key words: gender, identification
voters than male candidates, the effect of gender role idelogy and level of gender group identity to the
support for female candidates, and between the four independen varibles, which one that would be the
best predictor for female candidates for 2004 general election. The result shows that there is no
differences of probability between male and female candidates to be choosen by female voters and there
is no differences also in gender role idelogy and gender group identification for voting the male and
female candidates. Then, this research also shows that female voters behavior can’t be predicted by those
variables. The suggestion for the next research is to fix the way sampel is being collected, get more
focused on male participants, enhance other variables such as gender stereotype and involving the
cognitive process in voting behavior.
Key words: gender, identification