Focus and Scope
Bidang yang tercakup dalam jurnal pertanian presisi, meliputi survei tanah dan evaluasi lahan, arsitektur lanskap dan pembibitan, hara dan pemupukan, fisiologi tanaman, pembungaan dan pembuahan, agroklimatologi dan ekologi, pemuliaan dan bioteknologi, hama dan penyakit tanaman, pascapanen, irigasi dan drainase, terapan teknologi atau informasi pertanian presisi (seperti smart farming dan urban farming, sistem informasi geografis (SIG) dan sebagainya)
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Each text will go through a peer review process with the following steps:
- The editor evaluates the feasibility of the articles received.
- The editor continues the appropriate articles to continue the blind review process. The article that are not feasible will be returned to the author, while the aticle that is deemed appropriate with a note to be revised.
- Reviewers review the article and make recommendations to be followed up by the editor.
- The editor submits the results of the assessment and recommendations to the author and the deadline for revisions.
- The editor will send a ready-to-publish copy to the author before being published for approval
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.Publication Ethics
Jurnal Pertanian Presisi only accepts original research articles and theoretical studies that have not been published elsewhere and are not in the process of being reviewed in other journals. Jurnal Pertanian Presisi is committed to upholding ethical standards at all stages of the publication process. This ethical standard was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Turnitin software may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with existing literature.
Ethics for Editors
- Editors are responsible for the material quality of articles received
- Editors guide reviewers and writers in the articles received
- Editors are responsible for the confidentiality of peer reviewers
- Editors adhere to the principle of justice or non-discrimination against all articles received.
- Editors must prepare guidelines for all members of the editorial board.
- Editors avoid conflicts of interest of all stakeholders involved during the publishing process.
Ethics for Authors
- Authors are responsible for plagiarism and copyright infringement or other intellectual property rights on the submitted text.
- Authors must ensure that articles submitted are not being considered or accepted for publication in another journal.
- The names of the authors show who did the research and / or wrote the article.
- All authors must approve the submission of the article to the Jurnal Pertanian Presisi and give a mandate to the main author to sign the IPR form.
- If a fatal error occurs in an article published, the author must notify the editor or publisher to follow up.
Ethics for Reviewers
- Reviewers must act objectively and independently.
- Reviewers provide constructive input so that articles become worthy of publication.
- Reviewers immediately notify the editor if the article sent is indicative of plagiarism.
- During the publishing process, reviewers avoid conflicts of interest and confidentiality of an article.
- During the publishing process, reviewers must refer to Jurnal Pertanian Presisi guidelines.
Authors should submit only original work that is not plagiarized, and has not been published or being considered elsewhere. Turnitin software may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with existing literature. Inclusion of fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unacceptable. Work and/or words from other publications must be appropriately cited or quoted.
Authors should state their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. The methods used in the work should be clearly and unambiguously described so that the findings can be repeated and confirmed by other researchers.
A statement on conflict of interest must be included in the manuscript if authors receive any support that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
Name of authors listed in a paper should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the report. Only those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the work must be acknowledged or listed as contributors. It is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper. All co-authors must approve the final version of the paper and agree to the version of the paper before submission.
Authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research output in more than one journal or primary publication. A similar manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently as this constitutes as unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Penarikan Manuscript dari Jurnal Pertanian Presisi
Penulis tidak diizinkan untuk menarik naskah yang telah disubmit, karena dalam proses submit sudah ada perjanjian bahwa artikel ini tidak dalam/sedang di proses review/telat terbit di Jurnal lain, disamping itu juga dinilai kurang menghargai waktu yang telah diluangkan oleh dewan editor dan reviewer yang sangat berharga. Perjanjian ada pada pengisian awal anda mensubmit dan pada form copyright, oleh sebab itu penulis diharapkan sudah memenuhi etika penulisan dan publikasi. Editor dan reviewer telah meluangkan waktu dalam memproses naskah yang diawali dari screening awal sampai didistribusikan pada editor pelaksana lalu pemilihan reviewer yang ahli pada bidangnya sesuai manuskrip yang dikirim.
Jika penulis masih meminta penarikan naskahnya ketika naskah itu masih dalam proses peer-review, penulis akan dikenai sanksi “Penundaan proses submit di jurnal kami selama dua tahun”, sebagai penalti penarikan manuskrip kepada penerbit. Penerbit berharap agar manuskrip dikirim hanya pada 1 jurnal saja karena tidak etis untuk menarik naskah yang dikirim dari satu jurnal jika diterima oleh jurnal lain. Manuskrip dapat dikirim ke jurnal lain jika sudah ditolak (reject) oleh Jurnal Pertanian Presisi dan sudah di arsipkan dalam sistem OJS. Demikian kiranya penulis dapat bekerjasama dalam proses submission di Jurnal yang kami kelola
Mari kita sama-sama membangun budaya publikasi dengan mengedapankan nilai-nilai etika akademis/publikasi.
Manuscript Withdrawal from Precision Agriculture Journal
Authors are not allowed to withdraw manuscripts that have been submitted because, in the submitting process, there is already an agreement that this article is not in/is in the review process/published late in other journals. Besides that, it is also considered to need more respect for the time spent by the board of editors and reviewers, who are very valuable. The agreement is in your initial submission and on the copyright form. Therefore, the author is expected to have fulfilled the writing and publication ethics. Editors and reviewers have taken the time to process the manuscript, starting from the initial screening until it is distributed to the managing editor and selecting experts in their fields according to the manuscripts sent.
Suppose the author still requests the withdrawal of the manuscript when the manuscript is still in the peer-review process. In that case, the author will be subject to a penalty of "delaying the submission process in our journal for two years" as a penalty for withdrawing the manuscript to the publisher. Publishers hope manuscripts are sent to only one journal because it is unethical to withdraw a manuscript sent from one journal if another one receives it. Manuscripts can be sent to other journals if the Presisi Agricultural Journal has rejected them and has been archived in the OJS system. In this way, authors can cooperate in the submission process in the journal that we manage.
Let's build a publication culture together by prioritizing academic/publication ethical values.