CONSUMER TRUST AND COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (Chinese Product Case on Indonesian Market)

Hotniar Siringoringo
Margianti E.S.
Anacostia Kowanda
Trini Saptariani


Study on Indonesian consumer trust towards Chinese products is rarely found. Low trust towards Chinese as producer as well as towards Chinese products perhaps is admitted by almost all consumers. However up to this time period this hasn’t become researcher’s interest. The objective of the study is thus to identify consumer trust towards Chinese products. Electronics product particularly was chosen as research object based on its penetration on Indonesian markets. For this purpose question­naire was used as research instrument. It was distributed to more than 300 respon­dents. Results show that consumer trust towards Chinese products is measured using four indicators, such as faith and believe in Chinese products, Chinese high tech­nology and long lasting live. Country of origin has five valid indicators which are Chinese innovativeness on electronics products, Chinese high technology, Chi­nese creativity in design, good quality in manufacture, and China as prestigious country. The highest contributor in building country of origin is its high tech­nology. On trust factor, the highest contributor is customer believe in Chinese electronics products. It also shows that country of origin influence customer trust significantly.

Key Words : consumer trust, country of origin, Chinese products, Indonesian mar- ket.

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