Winda Widya Ariestya
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Gunadarma University
Wahyu Supriyatin
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Gunadarma University
Ida Astuti
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Gunadarma University


The demand for staple products that vary among customers makes it necessary for the store to determine how the marketing strategy should be. Data mining are known as KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) is to digging up valuable knowledge from the data. Research purpose is to identify the right marketing strategy to sales the goods. The marketing strategy is took by analyze how much consumers demand for basic needs. The algorithms used in this research are FP (Frequent Pattern)-Growth and A-priori Algorithm. Finding combinations patterns between itemset using the Association Rule. FP-Growth algorithm is an algorithm that been used to determining a set of data in a data set that often appears on the frequency of the itemset. the KDD stages study are data cleansing, data integration, data selection, data transformation, data mining, pattern evaluation and knowledge presentation. the Testing used Rapidminer software with a minimum confidence value of 0.6 and a minimum support of 0.45. FP-Growth algorithm obtained 5 rule conclusions while Apriori Algorithm obtained 3 rule conclusions. The FP-Growth algorithm make a better decision rules than a priori algorithms in determining of marketing strategies, because it produces more decisions on how the goods sold.

Apriori Algorithm; FP-Growth Algorithm; Association Rule; Data Mining; Marketing Strategy

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