July Hidayat
Gunadarma University


Tujuan kajian ini adalah memahami hibriditas spatial sebagai representasi sejarah,
budaya dan kekuasaan. Identitas budaya dibentuk oleh interaksi dinamis antara
ketiganya dan direpresentasikan sampai pada tataran budaya materi, termasuk rumah
tinggal. Objek kajian adalah desain rumah Tionghoa peranakan di Lasem yang dikenal
sebagai “The Tiongkok of Java”. Paradigma yang dipergunakan adalah pos-positivisme
dengan metode analisis studi kasus. Kasus dipahami dengan pendekatan sejarah dan
teori identitas budaya Stuart Hall. Etnis Tionghoa melakukan akulturasi budaya Jawa
sebagai strategi untuk bertahan hidup, mendapatkan posisi sosial, diakui dan masuk
dalam pergaulan golongan tertinggi yang sebelum abad 19 dipegang oleh bangsawan
Jawa. Sejarah interaksi keduanya sudah terjadi sejak abad I Masehi, dimulai dari
kerjasama ekonomi, akulturasi sosial (pernikahan campuran), dan diikuti oleh akulturasi
budaya. Hal ini menjelaskan hibriditas dalam rumah Tionghoa peranakan sebagai
konsekuensi wajar sejarah. Pandangan hidup mereka mendukung akulturasi, ketika atas
pengaruh Taoisme, terdapat sikap terbuka/fleksibel terhadap intervensi ruang budaya
lain ke dalam tradisinya: ”di mana bumi dipijak, di sana langit dijunjung”. Dari relasi
kekuasaan, etnis Tionghoa waktu itu ada dalam posisi tidak setara, berada di bawah
dominasi budaya Jawa yang mempengaruhi sistem representasinya. Hasil kajian adalah
jenis hibriditas bentuk desain Tionghoa peranakan dan argumen bahwa hibriditas spatial
Tionghoa-Jawa berfungsi tidak sekadar menghasilkan kebaruan/keunikan desain tetapi
merepresentasikan otoritas baru dalam menegosiasikan ulang makna dan identitas
Tionghoa peranakan, bahwa identitas spatial mereka harus dipahami bukan dalam
konteks budaya Jawa/Tionghoa tetapi Tionghoa peranakan yang sudah berbeda akibat
translasi terhadap budaya-budaya asli pembentuknya, termasuk harus dilepaskan dari
prasangka dan senimen negatif terhadap konteks budaya Tionghoa asalnya.

The objective of this study is to comprehend the spatial hybridity as a representation of
history, culture and power. Cultural identity is formed by a dynamic interaction between
those three factors and is represented into a material culture level, including a residential
design. The object of study is the house of halfblooded Tionghoa in Lasem known as "The
Tiongkok of Java". The study used the paradigm of post-positivism with case study
analytical method. The case-study objects are comprehended with historical approach
and the cultural identity theory of Stuart Hall. Tionghoa ethnic group did an
acculturation with Javanese culture as a strategy for struggling life, getting social
position, to be accepted in the interaction with the highest ruler which before 19th century
is held by the Javanese nobles. The history of interaction between both of them had
happened since 1st century, started from economical cooperation, social acculturation by
mixing marriage, and followed automatically by culture acculturation. This condition
explains hibridity in halfblooded Tionghoa design as a kind of proper consequence from
their acculturation history. Their world-view also supports the acculturation, when
influencing by Taoism, they perform a flexible attitude that taking into account the other
culture intervention in their tradition space. The spirit of openness is reflected from their
motto: "where the earth is treaded, over there the celestial is held highly". From the
aspect of power relationship, The halfblooded Tionghoa at that time has unequal
relation, under the domination of Javanese culture that influences their representation
system. As the results are the hibridity types of halfblooded Tionghoa design and the
argument that the role of spatial hybridity of halfblooded Chineseis not merely dealing
with new or unique form but as a representation of new authority in negotiating the
meaning and identity of halfblooded Tionghoa. Their spatial identity must be
comprehended not in the context of traditional Javanese or Tionghoa culture but
halfblooded Tionghoa. It has translated its former culture or original reference. The
halfblooded Tionghoa culture that has already a hybrid with local content has to be
discharged from the prejudice and negative sentiment to its origin as they are already
different context.

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