Emirul Bahar
Universitas Gunadarma


Of multi steps needed to maintain the quality of chrysanthemum flowers , transportation is of concern as it is related to shipping time and storage temperature during shipping. Those two factors has implications for loss of quality when performed incorrectly and further will reduces the commercial value of these products.
In general, the selection of transportation vehicles is important in order to maintain chrysanthemums quality up to destination without causing significant damage. The purpose of the study is thus optimizing the cost of transporting chrysanthemum flowers. Optimization is done using the concept of time-based transportation simulation model. The results showed that changes of transport vehicles capacity and shift of the end point has very significant in influencing total cost of chrysanthemum flower delivery. Shift of the end point can be done through investment in technology, such as through the provision and maintenance of storage media during the shipping process
taking place. The model shows that the total cost of chrysanthemum flowers delivery can be minimized through increasing in capacity of transport vehicles and technology investments.

Key words: delivery time, quality, chrysanthemum flower, total minimum cost


Salah satu tahap yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mempertahankan mutu bunga krisan adalah saat pengangkutan, karena berkaitan dengan waktu pengiriman dan suhu ruang penyimpanan selama pengangkutan. Kedua faktor berimplikasi ke pengiriman bunga krisan. Pergeseran titik akhir dapat dilakukan melalui investasi teknologi, yaitu melalui pengadaan dan perawatan media penyimpan selama proses
pengiriman berlangsung. Model menunjukkan bahwa biaya total pengiriman bunga krisan dapat diminimumkan melalui kenaikan kapasitas kendaraan angkut dan investasi

Kata kunci: waktu pengiriman, kualitas bunga krisan, total biaya minimum

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