Muhammad Istan
IAIN Curup


The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Debt to Total Asset Ratio (DAR) to Return on Equity of the indicated companies having political support listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The problems in this study are to find out how DER and DAR influence Return on Equity (ROE) and to find out the role of political support as a mediating variable between DER and DAR to ROE. The data are taken from financial statements of companies listed in the Stock Exchange. A sample of 33 companies indicated to have political support taken by purposive sampling. This study uses simple and multiple regression analysis techniques. The result of this study has shown that the Capital Structure (DER) has a significant influence to the company's performance. Capital Structure in the form of Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) gives a minor effect on the company's performance on ROE. The DER Capital Structure has a significant influence on political support (SP). Capital Structure in the form of DAR has a significant influence on political support (SP). Political support does not mediate the structure of the DAR and the DER to the ROE.

DER; DAR; ROE; Political Support

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Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam

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