Engkay Sukarsih, Sujana Sujana


The writer took 'The equivalents of wish in Indonesian' as the problem of the
research. The writer chose this topic because the writer was interested to find out
the equivalents of wish. The aim of this research was to find out the equivalents
of wish in Indonesian. In this research, the writer used qualitative method. The
method covered collecting, arranging, classifying, analyzing, and interpreting the
data. All the data were taken from novels by Stephenie Meyer entitled 'New Moon',
'Eclipse' and 'Breaking dawn'. From the 100 data of wish, the writer classified
them into their translation. The result of the research showed that wish are
translated into seandainya(saja), kalau(saja), harap, berharap, berharap kalau
saja, ingin, semoga and zero translation. There are 43% of wish are translated
into 'kalau(saja)', 31% are translated into 'berharap', 7% are translated into
'berharap kalau saja', 6% are translated into 'seandainya(saja), 4% are translated
into 'ingin', 4% are translated into 'harap', 1% is translated into 'semoga' and 4%
are not translated or zero translation.

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