Prima Jiwa Osly
Gunadarma University
Meydian Sartika Dewi
Gunadarma University


Penelitian ini bertujuan membahas persebaran pusat-pusat kegiatan ekonomi yang ada
di Bogor dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Bogor sebagai daerah satelit bagi
Jakarta, menjadikan dirinya sebagai kawasan permukiman, baik bagi warganya maupun
bagi kaum penglaju. Proses pembangunan yang diarahkan kepada permukiman
mengakibatkan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan pusat perekonomian. Pusat-pusat
perekonomian yang dikaji meliputi pasar (pasar tradisional), supermarket, hipermarket
dan mal dan plasa. Jumlah dan persebaran kegiatan ekonomi tersebut dikaitkan dengan
penyebaran penduduk, penggunaan lahan dan jaringan jalan. Proses analisis
menggunakan teknologi SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis), software ArcView versi 3.3
dan metode tumpang tindih langsung (overlay intersept) terhadap peta-peta tematik yang
dibuat. Peta tematik yang telah di overlay kemudian akan dideskripsikan untuk melihat
interaksi spasialnya. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa Kota Bogor memiliki
karakteristik perkotaan yang cukup unik karena Bogor memiliki seluruh fungsi ruang
yang ada mulai dari fungsi permukiman, perdagangan hingga fungsi pertanian dan
konservasi. Hasil deskripsi terhadap peta tematik menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing
pusat perekonomian memiliki interaksi spasial yang berbeda-beda dengan peta

Bogor as a satellite town of Jakarta (the State Capitol) has distinguished it self as
community area for its citizen as well as commuters. The Development process directed
for inhabitant interest has brought about a dramatic increase in demand for economic
centers. Relevant with such, assessment were conducted on the economic centers in
Bogor that covered traditional markets, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and mall as well as
plaza. The number and distribution of those economic activities were linked to the
inhabitant distribution, land uses, and road-artery patterns. That data/information as
obtained were analyzed using what is so-called GIS (geographical information system)
technology assisted by ArcView software of version 3.3, and implementing overlayintercept
on thematic maps as neatly formed. Further, those thematic maps after being
overlaid were descriptively scrutinized for possible spatial-interaction occurrences. The
analysis result reveal that Bogor has a remarkably unique town characteristic since it
had all the existing space utilities beginning from community/settlement function, trade,
until agriculture and conservation function. The descriptive outcomes suggest that each
of the economic centers exhibited spatial interaction which significantly different from
their thematics maps.

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