Concrete Gravity Dam is a solid concrete structure with its cross-section approximately
triangular in shape, so proportioned that the external forces exerted on it are resisted by
its own weight. The pattern of stress distribution and deformations in the dam foundation
system are of great concern for safety and economy case of a high gravity dam founded
on stratified weak rock. Any variation in foundation properties would largely affect the
safe design of dam. The objectives of the present study are to analyze stresses and
deformations in dam foundation system due to applied loads. Stresses and deformations in
the dam foundation section under different conditions have been worked out by using 2-
Dimensional Finite Element Method.
triangular in shape, so proportioned that the external forces exerted on it are resisted by
its own weight. The pattern of stress distribution and deformations in the dam foundation
system are of great concern for safety and economy case of a high gravity dam founded
on stratified weak rock. Any variation in foundation properties would largely affect the
safe design of dam. The objectives of the present study are to analyze stresses and
deformations in dam foundation system due to applied loads. Stresses and deformations in
the dam foundation section under different conditions have been worked out by using 2-
Dimensional Finite Element Method.
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